ABA Class Schedule

Program Overview
The applied behavior analysis special instruction graduate-level certificate program is an advanced-teacher or therapist preparation program that focuses on the application of behavior analysis and behavioral principles to address the needs of students' special needs. It is unique and the only one of its kind based in Hong Kong. Our program meets the educational requirements to sit for the examination or Qualified Behavior Analyst (QABA).
All classes must be completed at 80% or higher to pass. Make-up assignments are at the discretion of the instructor.
Supervision experience must be completed satisfactorily in order to qualify to sit for the exam for all credentials.
Supervision experience is the responsibility of the student.
The title of BCBA, BCaBA, QBA, or QASP-S are reserved for persons who have completed all requirements set forth by each respective credentialing agency.
All Courses are Approved by the QABA.
All students are expected to conduct themselves in an ethically appropriate manner. There is a zero tolerance policy for cheating, sharing course materials, or otherwise conducting oneself in an inappropriate manner according to the laws of the HKSAR and applicable jurisdictions.
天 ______________________________________次
BA 801 在星期二上课
BA 802 和 BA 803 总是在星期四上课
BA 807、808 和 809 在星期一和/或星期三上课时间大约是晚上 7:00 - 10:00
所有课程必须完成 80% 或更高才能通过。 补课由导师决定。
BCBA、BCaBA、QBA 或 QASP-S 的头衔保留给已完成各个认证机构规定的所有要求的人员。
所有课程均由 QABA 批准。
所有学生都应以合乎道德的方式行事。 根据香港特别行政区和适用司法管辖区的法律,对作弊、分享课程材料或以其他不当方式行事的行为采取零容忍政策。